accrued interest

Accrued Interest

Accrued interest, known as “నివృత్తి వర్ధించిన వడ్డీ” in Telugu, refers to the interest that has been earned but not yet paid or received. It is the accumulation of interest on a financial instrument, such as a bond or a loan, over a specific period of time.


Accrued interest is pronounced as “uh-krood in-ter-ist” in English.


Some synonyms for accrued interest include: accumulated interest, outstanding interest, and earned interest.

Nearby Words

  • Accrue (verb): నివృత్తి వర్ధించు, to accumulate or grow over time.
  • Interest (noun): వడ్డీ, the amount of money charged for borrowing or lending.
  • Financial (adjective): ఆర్థిక, relating to money or the management of money.

Example sentences:

  1. The accrued interest on the loan amounted to a significant sum.
  2. Investors should be aware of the accrued interest when calculating their returns.


The antonym for accrued interest in Telugu is “నివృత్తి వర్ధించని వడ్డీ” (Nivrutti Vardhini Vaddi).

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