

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (uh-bis-iz)

Meanings of Abysses in Telugu:

  1. అగాధం (agādhaṁ)
  2. అంతరాళం (antarāḷaṁ)

Synonyms of Abysses:

  • Chasm
  • Gulf
  • Pit
  • Ravine

Nearby Words:

  • Abysmal – అగాధమైన (agādhamaina)
  • Abyssal – అగాధ (agādha)
  • Abyssinia – అబిసినియా (abisiniyā)
  • Abyssopelagic – అగాధ సముద్ర (agādha samudra)


  • Peak – శిఖరం (śikharaṁ)
  • Summit – శిఖరం (śikharaṁ)
  • Apex – శిఖరం (śikharaṁ)
  • Crest – శిఖరం (śikharaṁ)

For more information, you can visit the following links:

  1. Dictionary.com
  2. Wikipedia.org
  3. TheFreeDictionary.com

Remember, an abyss represents a deep and seemingly bottomless pit or chasm. It can also metaphorically refer to a profound or immeasurable space or void. In Telugu, abysses are known as “అగాధం” (agādhaṁ) or “అంతరాళం” (antarāḷaṁ). Synonyms for abysses include chasm, gulf, pit, and ravine. Some related words in Telugu are “అగాధమైన” (agādhamaina) meaning abysmal, “అగాధ” (agādha) meaning abyssal, “అబిసినియా” (abisiniyā) referring to Abyssinia, and “అగాధ సముద్ర” (agādha samudra) meaning abyssopelagic.

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