

Part of Speech: Adverb

Pronunciation: (uh-bak)

Meanings of Aback in Telugu:

  1. అచ్చందించు (acchandinchu) – To surprise or astonish
  2. పిచ్చికాగా (picchikaaga) – Suddenly or unexpectedly

Synonyms of Aback:

  • Surprised
  • Startled
  • Taken aback
  • Stunned

Nearby Words:

  • Abacus – గణకారము (ganakaramu)
  • Abandon – వదిలివేయు (vadiliveyu)
  • Abaft – వెనుకకు (venukaku)
  • Abandonment – వదిలివేయడం (vadiliveyadam)


  • Forward – ముందుకు (munduku)
  • Ahead – ముందుకు (munduku)
  • Progress – ముందుకు వెళ్ళు (munduku vellu)
  • Advance – ముందుకు వెళ్ళు (munduku vellu)

For more information, you can refer to the following sources:

  1. Dictionary.com
  2. Wikipedia.org
  3. TheFreeDictionary.com

Remember, “aback” is an adverb that signifies surprise or astonishment. It can also mean suddenly or unexpectedly in Telugu, which is expressed as “అచ్చందించు” (acchandinchu) and “పిచ్చికాగా” (picchikaaga) respectively. Some synonyms for “aback” include surprised, startled, taken aback, and stunned. In Telugu, nearby words to “aback” are గణకారము (ganakaramu) meaning abacus, వదిలివేయు (vadiliveyu) meaning abandon, వెనుకకు (venukaku) meaning abaft, and వదిలివేయడం (vadiliveyadam) meaning abandonment. The antonyms of “aback” in Telugu are ముందుకు (munduku) meaning forward or ahead, and ముందుకు వెళ్ళు (munduku vellu) meaning progress or advance. For further information, you can visit Dictionary.com, Wikipedia.org, and TheFreeDictionary.com.

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