
Candescence Meaning in Bengali: জ্বলন্ততা, প্রকাশ, আলোকতা, উজ্জ্বলতা

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /kænˈdɛsəns/ (kan-des-uhns)

Nearby Words:

  • Incandescence (Noun) – জ্বলন্ততা, প্রকাশ, আলোকতা
  • Glow (Noun) – জ্বলন্ততা, প্রকাশ, আলোকতা
  • Shine (Noun) – জ্বলন্ততা, প্রকাশ, আলোকতা

Candescence Synonyms:

  • Brightness – উজ্জ্বলতা, প্রকাশ
  • Luminosity – আলোকতা, প্রকাশ
  • Radiance – আলোকতা, প্রকাশ
  • Glare – আলোকতা, প্রকাশ

See more about brightness meaning in Bengali, luminosity meaning in Bengali, radiance meaning in Bengali, and glare meaning in Bengali.

Origin of Candescence: The word “candescence” originated from the Latin word “candescere,” which means “to become white-hot.”


  • Dimness – অন্ধকার, অস্পষ্টতা
  • Dullness – অস্পষ্টতা, অবজ্ঞতা

Usage in English Sentences:

  • The candescence of the sun blinded me.
  • Her smile had a radiant candescence.
  • The incandescence of the light bulb filled the room.
  • The glow of the fire provided a warm candescence.
  • The candescence of the stars illuminated the night sky.

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