cake walk

Cake Walk Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the term “cake walk” can be translated into several meanings: সহজ কাজ (easy task), সহজ বিজয় (easy victory), সহজ পথ (easy way), সহজ পাঠ (easy lesson).

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: [keyk wawk]

Nearby Words:

  • Easy (Adjective) – সহজ, সুবিধাজনক
  • Victory (Noun) – বিজয়, জয়
  • Task (Noun) – কাজ, কর্ম
  • Lesson (Noun) – পাঠ, শিক্ষা
  • Way (Noun) – পথ, মার্গ

Cake Walk Synonyms:

Origin of ‘Cake Walk’

The term “cake walk” originated from the African-American community in the late 19th century. It refers to a dance contest where the prize was a cake, which was considered an easy reward to win. The dance itself was characterized by exaggerated movements and a sense of ease.


  • Challenge – চ্যালেঞ্জ, সম্মোহন
  • Difficult – কঠিন, দুর্বল
  • Defeat – পরাজয়, হার
  • Obstacle – বাধা, অবরোধ

Usage in English Sentences:

  1. Winning the game was a cake walk for the talented team. (দক্ষ দলের জন্য খেলাটি সহজ বিজয় ছিল।)
  2. Completing the project was an easy task for the experienced engineer. (অভিজ্ঞ প্রকৌশলীর জন্য প্রকল্পটি সহজ কাজ ছিল।)
  3. She found the exam to be a piece of cake as she had studied thoroughly. (তিনি পরীক্ষাটি সম্পূর্ণরূপে অধ্যয়ন করেছিলেন, সেটি তার জন্য খুবই সহজ ছিল।)
  4. He completed the puzzle with breeze. (তিনি বাতাসের মত পাজল সম্পূর্ণ করেছিলেন।)
  5. Getting the promotion was a walkover for her due to her exceptional performance. (তার অসাধারণ কর্মক্ষমতার জন্য তিনি পদোন্নতি পেয়েছিলেন।)

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