c o m p a s s i o n

Compassion Meaning in Bengali

Compassion, or দয়া (daya), করুণা (karuna), সহানুভূতি (sahanubhuti), সহৃদয়তা (sahrudayata), is a noun that refers to a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for someone who is suffering, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate their pain.



Nearby Words:

  • Empathy (noun) – সমানুভূতি (samanubhuti)
  • Tenderness (noun) – মৃদুতা (mruduta)
  • Mercy (noun) – দয়া (daya)
  • Sympathy (noun) – সহানুভূতি (sahanubhuti)
  • Kindness (noun) – মানবতা (manobota)

Compassion Synonyms:


The word “compassion” originated from the Latin word “compati,” which means “to suffer with.”


  • Indifference – উদাসীনতা (udasinta)
  • Cruelty – নিষ্ঠুরতা (nishturata)
  • Callousness – নির্দয়তা (nirdoyata)
  • Heartlessness – নির্দয়তা (nirdoyata)

Usage in English Sentences:

  • She showed great compassion towards the homeless.
  • His compassion for animals led him to become a veterinarian.
  • The teacher’s compassion for her students was evident in her actions.
  • They were moved by the compassion shown by the volunteers.
  • Compassion is an essential quality for a healthcare professional.

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For Further Information

For a more detailed understanding of the meaning of compassion, you can refer to the following sources:

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