
Boobies Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “boobies” can have several meanings. It can refer to a type of bird called “বুবি” (pronounced as “boobi”), which belongs to the family Sulidae. Additionally, “boobies” can also mean “স্তনদ্বয়” (pronounced as “stondwoy”), which refers to the female breasts. The word “boobies” is a noun.

Pronunciation of Boobies:

(boobies) [pronounced as boo-beez]

Nearby Words:

  • Birds (noun) – পাখি (pronounced as “paki”)
  • Feathers (noun) – পাখা (pronounced as “paka”)
  • Wings (noun) – পাখ (pronounced as “pak”)
  • Female (noun) – নারী (pronounced as “nari”)
  • Body (noun) – শরীর (pronounced as “shorir”)

Boobies Synonyms:

  • Knockers – ঠোকানো (see more about “knockers” meaning in Bengali here)
  • Bosoms – স্তন (see more about “bosoms” meaning in Bengali here)
  • Breasts – স্তন (see more about “breasts” meaning in Bengali here)
  • Chests – বুক (see more about “chests” meaning in Bengali here)

Origin of Boobies:

The word “boobies” originated from the Spanish word “bobo,” meaning “stupid” or “foolish.” It was used to describe the clumsy and foolish behavior of these birds.


  • Intelligence – বুদ্ধিমানতা (pronounced as “buddhimanta”)
  • Wisdom – বিচক্ষণতা (pronounced as “bichkshonota”)
  • Smartness – স্মার্টনেস (pronounced as “smartness”)
  • Brilliance – প্রতিভা (pronounced as “protibha”)

Usage in English Sentences:

  • She spotted a flock of boobies flying over the ocean. (সে মহাসাগরের উপরে উড়ছে একটি বুবির ঝাঁক।)
  • The birdwatcher was excited to see the beautiful boobies nesting on the cliffs. (পাখি দেখতে উত্সাহিত ছিল যখন সুন্দর বুবিরা খাদ্য পাচারের জন্য উচ্চস্থলে বাস করছিল।)
  • She wore a low-cut dress that accentuated her ample boobies. (সে একটি লো-কাট পোশাক পরেছিল যা তার প্রচুর স্তনদ্বয়কে আরও আকর্ষণীয় করেছিল।)
  • He accidentally bumped into her, causing her to drop her groceries and cover her boobies in embarrassment. (তিনি তার সাথে দুর্ঘটনাপূর্ণভাবে ধাক্কা দিয়ে তাকে তার গ্রোসারিগুলি ঝরানোর জন্য বাধ্য করে এবং লজ্জায় তার স্তনদ্বয় ঢেকে দিয়েছিলেন।)
  • She breastfed her baby, providing nourishment and comfort with her boobies. (সে তার শিশুকে স্তনদ্বয় দিয়ে পুষ্টি এবং সুবিধা প্রদান করেছিলেন।)

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Further Information:

For further information about the meaning of “boobies,” you can refer to the following sources:

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