
Bloody Meaning in Bengali: রক্তপাতক, খুনখারাপ, খুনি, খুনখারাপের, খুনির

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: /ˈblʌdi/

Nearby Words:

  • Violent: (Adjective) হিংস্র, উগ্র, ক্রুর। You may see more about violent meaning in Bengali here.
  • Gory: (Adjective) রক্তপাতক, খুনি। You may see more about gory meaning in Bengali here.
  • Savage: (Adjective) বনভূমি, বনবাসী, বনজীবী। You may see more about savage meaning in Bengali here.

Bloody Synonyms:

  • Gory: (Adjective) রক্তপাতক, খুনি। See more about gory meaning in Bengali here.
  • Bloody-minded: (Adjective) খুনি, খুনখারাপ। See more about bloody-minded meaning in Bengali here.
  • Violent: (Adjective) হিংস্র, উগ্র, ক্রুর। See more about violent meaning in Bengali here.

Origination of ‘Bloody:

The word ‘bloody’ originated from the Old English word ‘blodig’ which means ‘bloodthirsty’ or ‘covered in blood’.


  • Peaceful: (Adjective) শান্তিপূর্ণ, শান্তিময়।
  • Nonviolent: (Adjective) অহিংসাত্মক, অহিংসাবাদী।

Usage in English Sentences:

  • The movie was so bloody that I had to look away.
  • He got into a bloody fight with his neighbor.
  • She was furious and shouted, “Bloody hell!”
  • The bloody battle lasted for days.
  • He was covered in bloody wounds after the accident.

You may also like bloody meaning in Nepali here, bloody meaning in Urdu here, bloody meaning in Telugu here, and bloody meaning in Tamil here.

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