
Bloodthirsty Meaning in Bengali: Explained

Bloodthirsty, meaning “রক্তপিপাসু” or “খুনখারাপ” in Bengali, is an adjective that describes someone or something with a strong desire for bloodshed or violence. It is pronounced as “bluhd-thur-stee”.

Nearby Words:

  • Violent (adjective) – হিংস্র
  • Savage (adjective) – নিষ্ঠুর
  • Cruel (adjective) – নিষ্ঠুর
  • Barbaric (adjective) – অমানুষিক
  • Brutal (adjective) – নিষ্ঠুর

You may see more about Violent meaning in Bengali here, Savage meaning in Bengali here, Cruel meaning in Bengali here, Barbaric meaning in Bengali here, and Brutal meaning in Bengali here.


  • Ruthless (নিষ্ঠুর) – See more about Ruthless meaning in Bengali here.
  • Sanguinary (রক্তপিপাসু) – See more about Sanguinary meaning in Bengali here.
  • Ferocious (উগ্র) – See more about Ferocious meaning in Bengali here.
  • Barbarous (অমানুষিক) – See more about Barbarous meaning in Bengali here.
  • Brutish (নিষ্ঠুর) – See more about Brutish meaning in Bengali here.


  • Compassionate (দয়ালু) – See more about Compassionate meaning in Bengali here.
  • Kind (দয়ালু) – See more about Kind meaning in Bengali here.
  • Tender (কোমল) – See more about Tender meaning in Bengali here.
  • Humane (মানবিক) – See more about Humane meaning in Bengali here.
  • Lenient (দয়ালু) – See more about Lenient meaning in Bengali here.

Usage in English Sentences:

  • He had a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. (তাঁর চোখে খুনখারাপ একটি দৃষ্টি ছিল।)
  • The bloodthirsty dictator ruled with an iron fist. (রক্তপিপাসু নির্মাতা কঠোর হাতে শাসন করেন।)
  • The movie is filled with bloodthirsty scenes. (সিনেমাটি খুনখারাপ দৃশ্যের সঙ্গে পূর্ণ।)
  • She has a bloodthirsty desire for revenge. (তাঁর জন্য প্রতিশোধের জন্য খুনখারাপ ইচ্ছা আছে।)
  • The bloodthirsty vampire attacked its prey. (রক্তপিপাসু ভ্যাম্পায়ার তার শিকারকে আক্রমণ করল।)

You may also like Bloodthirsty meaning in Nepali here, Bloodthirsty meaning in Urdu here, Bloodthirsty meaning in Telugu here, and Bloodthirsty meaning in Tamil here.

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