block capital

Block Capital Meaning in Bengali: ব্লক ক্যাপিটাল এর অর্থ

Bengali meanings of Block Capital: ব্লক ক্যাপিটাল, ব্লক হাতে লেখা, ব্লক লেখা

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /blɒk ˈkæpɪtəl/

Nearby Words: uppercase, capital letter, boldface, print, typography

You may see more about uppercase meaning in Bengali here.

You may see more about capital letter meaning in Bengali here.

You may see more about boldface meaning in Bengali here.

You may see more about print meaning in Bengali here.

You may see more about typography meaning in Bengali here.

Block Capital Synonyms: uppercase, capital letter, boldface, print, typography

See more about uppercase meaning in Bengali here.

See more about capital letter meaning in Bengali here.

See more about boldface meaning in Bengali here.

See more about print meaning in Bengali here.

See more about typography meaning in Bengali here.

Origination of Block Capital: The term “block capital” originated from the printing industry, where it refers to the use of capital letters in a block-like style.

Antonyms: lowercase, small letter, cursive

লোঅারকেস, ছোট হাতে লেখা, কার্সিভ

Usage in English Sentences:

  1. He wrote his name in block capitals on the form. (তিনি ফর্মে নাম ব্লক ক্যাপিটালে লিখেছিলেন।)
  2. Please fill out the form using block capitals. (দয়া করে ফর্মটি ব্লক ক্যাপিটাল ব্যবহার করে পূরণ করুন।)
  3. The sign was written in block capitals to make it more visible. (চিহ্নটি দৃশ্যমান করার জন্য সেটি ব্লক ক্যাপিটালে লেখা হয়েছিল।)
  4. Block capitals are commonly used in headlines. (ব্লক ক্যাপিটাল সাধারণত শিরোনামে ব্যবহৃত হয়।)
  5. She prefers writing in block capitals for clarity. (সে স্পষ্টতার জন্য ব্লক ক্যাপিটালে লেখা করতে ভালোবাসে।)

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Block Capital meaning in Urdu. Block Capital meaning in Urdu.

Block Capital meaning in Telugu. Block Capital meaning in Telugu.

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