
Black-out, meaning in Bengali, can be translated into several different phrases. Some of the Bengali meanings of black-out include কালো বাহির, কালো বাহির হওয়া, কালো বাহির হওয়া, কালো বাহির হওয়া, কালো বাহির হওয়া.

Part of speech: noun

Pronunciation: (blak-out)

Nearby words: power cut (noun, বিদ্যুৎ বন্ধ), blackout (noun, ব্ল্যাকআউট), blackout (noun, ব্ল্যাকআউট), black market (noun, কালো বাজার), black magic (noun, কালো জাদু). You may see more about power cut meaning in Bengali here, blackout meaning in Bengali here, black market meaning in Bengali here, and black magic meaning in Bengali here.

Black-out synonyms: power failure (noun, বিদ্যুৎ বিপত্তি), power outage (noun, বিদ্যুৎ বন্ধ), power cut (noun, বিদ্যুৎ বন্ধ), blackout (noun, ব্ল্যাকআউট), power loss (noun, বিদ্যুৎ হারানো). See more about power failure meaning in Bengali here, power outage meaning in Bengali here, power cut meaning in Bengali here, blackout meaning in Bengali here, and power loss meaning in Bengali here.

Origination of ‘black-out’: The term ‘black-out’ originated from the early 20th century, derived from the phrasal verb ‘black out,’ meaning to lose consciousness or memory temporarily.

Antonyms: illumination (noun, আলোকপ্রদান), light (noun, আলো), brightness (noun, উজ্জ্বলতা). See details in illumination meaning in Bengali here, light meaning in Bengali here, and brightness meaning in Bengali here.

Usage in English Sentences:

  1. I experienced a black-out during the concert. (আমি সংগীতয় অনুষ্ঠানে কালো বাহির অনুভব করেছি।)
  2. The whole city suffered a black-out due to a power failure. (বিদ্যুৎ বিপত্তির কারণে সমগ্র শহরে কালো বাহির হয়েছিল।)
  3. He couldn’t remember anything during the black-out. (কালো বাহিরের সময় তিনি কিছুই মনে রাখতে পারেননি।)

In the next paragraph, you may also like black-out meaning in Nepali here, black-out meaning in Urdu here, black-out meaning in Telugu here, and black-out meaning in Tamil here.

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