black mailing

Black mailing meaning in Bengali can be translated as কালো মেইলিং. The word “black mailing” is a noun. (কালো মেইলিং) is pronounced as “kalo mailing”. Nearby words include কালো (adjective, black), মেইল (noun, mail), মেইল করা (verb, to mail), মেইল বক্স (noun, mailbox), and মেইল পাঠানো (verb, to send mail). You may see more about কালো (black) meaning in Bengali and link up where the anchor text will be কালো (black) meaning in Bengali and the link will beকালো.

Some synonyms of black mailing in English with Bengali translation include extortion (উত্পীড়ন), coercion (বাধ্যতা), intimidation (ভীতিপ্রদান), pressure (চাপ), and threat (আশঙ্কা). Nearby word meaning in Bengali can be found by following the link provided.

Antonyms of black mailing in English with Bengali translation include honesty (সত্যবাদ), integrity (অখণ্ডতা), sincerity (সাচ্চায়িতা), and trustworthiness (বিশ্বাসযোগ্যতা). Nearby word meaning in Bengali can be found by following the link provided.

Here are some usage examples of black mailing in English sentences with Bengali translation:

  1. He was arrested for black mailing his former employer. (তিনি তাঁর পূর্ব কর্মকর্তাকে ব্ল্যাকমেইল করার জন্য গ্রেফতার হন।)
  2. The victim reported the black mailing to the police. (সংকটে পড়া ব্যক্তিকে পুলিশের কাছে ব্ল্যাকমেইল প্রতিবেদন করেছেন।)
  3. She refused to give in to the black mailing and stood up for herself. (তিনি ব্ল্যাকমেইলে ঝুঁকিতে আসতে অস্বীকার করে এবং নিজের জন্য দাঁড়িয়ে থাকলেন।)

You may also like black mailing meaning in Nepali and link up where the anchor text will be black mailing meaning in Nepali and the link will be Additionally, black mailing meaning in Urdu can be found by following the link provided.

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