
Binomials Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, binomials are known as “দ্বিপদ” (dvipad) or “দ্বিপদী” (dvipadi). These are phrases or expressions consisting of two words that are joined together by a conjunction, typically “and” or “or”. Binomials are commonly used in both spoken and written Bengali language.

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /baɪˈnoʊ.mi.əlz/ (bahy-noh-mee-uhls)

Nearby Words:

  • Monotone (Noun) – একঘেরা (ekghera)
  • Homophone (Noun) – সমধ্বনি (shomodhoni)
  • Synonym (Noun) – প্রতিশব্দ (protishabd)

Binomials Synonyms:

  • Pair, জোড়া (jora)
  • Couple, জোড়া (jora)
  • Duo, জোড়া (jora)
  • Twin, জোড়া (jora)
  • Combination, সংযোগ (sangyoj)

Origination of Binomials:

Binomials have been used in various languages for centuries. They are a common linguistic phenomenon found in many cultures and are used to express a variety of ideas and concepts.


  • Individual, ব্যক্তি (bikti)
  • Single, একক (ekk)
  • Separate, পৃথক (prithok)

Usage in English Sentences:

  1. He is a hardworking and dedicated employee. (তিনি একজন পরিশ্রমী এবং প্রতিশ্রুতিবদ্ধ কর্মচারী।)
  2. She loves to read and write. (তিনি পড়া এবং লেখা পছন্দ করে।)
  3. The cat is black and white. (বিড়ালটি কালো এবং সাদা।)

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