
Binds Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “binds” can have several meanings. It can be translated as “বাঁধে” (bandhe), meaning to tie or fasten something. Another meaning is “বদ্ধ করে” (baddho kore), which refers to being bound or restricted. Additionally, “সংকোচন করে” (sankochon kore) can be used to describe the act of binding or compressing something.

Part of Speech: Binds is a verb.

Pronunciation: (bahyndz)

Nearby Words:

  • Noun: Bond – বন্ধন
  • Verb: Attach – সংযুক্ত করা
  • Adjective: Tight – সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ

Binds Synonyms:

  • Fasten – বাঁধা
  • Tie – বাঁধা
  • Secure – নিরাপদ
  • Restrict – সীমাবদ্ধ করা
  • Constrain – বাধা দেওয়া
  • Bind up – বাঁধা দেওয়া

Origination of ‘Binds:

The word “binds” originated from the Old English word “bindan,” which means to tie or fasten. It has been used in the English language for centuries.


  • Loose – ছুটে
  • Release – মুক্ত করা

Usage in English Sentences:

  1. He binds the books together with a string. (সে বইগুলি একসঙ্গে একটি স্ট্রিং দিয়ে বাঁধে।)
  2. The contract binds both parties to fulfill their obligations. (চুক্তিতে উভয় পক্ষকেই তাদের দায়িত্ব পালন করতে বাধ্য করে।)
  3. She binds her hair with a hairband. (সে তার চুলকে একটি চুলবন্ধ দিয়ে বাঁধে।)

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