
Bin Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “bin” has several meanings. It can be translated as “ডালা” (dala), meaning a container or receptacle for storing items. It can also mean “আবর্জনা” (abhorjona), which refers to waste or garbage. Additionally, “বিন” (bin) can be used to describe a place for depositing rubbish or a dustbin.

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: bin (bin)

Nearby Words:

  • Container: Noun, পাত্র (patro)
  • Trash: Noun, আবর্জনা (abhorjona)
  • Waste: Noun, অপব্যয় (opobyo)
  • Dustbin: Noun, আবর্জনাপাত্র (abhorjonapatro)

Bin Synonyms:

  • Container: পাত্র (patro)
  • Receptacle: ডালা (dala)
  • Trash Can: আবর্জনাপাত্র (abhorjonapatro)
  • Rubbish Bin: আবর্জনাপাত্র (abhorjonapatro)
  • Waste Basket: আবর্জনাপাত্র (abhorjonapatro)

Origination of ‘Bin:

The word “bin” originated from the Middle English word “bīnne” and Old English word “binn.” It has Germanic roots and is related to the Dutch word “bin” and German word “Binne,” both meaning “inner.”


  • Retrieve: পুনরুদ্ধার (punoruddhar)
  • Keep: রাখা (rakha)

Usage in English Sentences:

  • Throw the garbage in the bin. (আবর্জনা ডালায় ফেলুন।)
  • She placed the books in the bin. (তিনি বইগুলি ডালায় রাখলেন।)
  • He emptied the bin into the dumpster. (তিনি ডালা খালি করে ডাম্পস্টারে ঢেলে দিলেন।)

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