bile duct

Bile Duct Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the term “bile duct” can be translated into several meanings: পিত্তবহিনী, পিত্তনালী, পিত্তবাহিনী (pittobhini, pittanali, pittabahini).

Part of Speech

Bile duct is a noun.


The pronunciation of “bile duct” is [bahyl-duhkt].

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “bile duct” include:

  • Gallbladder (noun) – পিত্তসংক্রান্ত পাত্রা (pittosankranta patra)
  • Liver (noun) – যকৃত (yakrit)
  • Pancreas (noun) – প্যাংক্রিয়াস (pyankriyas)

Bile Duct Synonyms

Some synonyms of “bile duct” in English with their Bengali translations are:

  • Hepatic Duct – যকৃতবহিনী (yakritobhini)
  • Cystic Duct – সিস্টিক বহিনী (sistikobhini)
  • Common Bile Duct – সাধারণ পিত্তবহিনী (sadharan pittobhini)
  • Intrahepatic Ducts – যকৃতসংক্রান্ত বহিনী (yakritsankranta bhini)
  • Extrahepatic Ducts – যকৃতবাহিনী (yakritbahini)

Origination of Bile Duct

The term “bile duct” originates from the combination of the words “bile” and “duct.” Bile refers to the digestive fluid produced by the liver, while a duct is a tube or passage that carries fluids. Therefore, a bile duct is a tube that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine.


There are no specific antonyms for “bile duct” in English and Bengali.

Usage in English Sentences

Here are some examples of how “bile duct” can be used in English sentences:

  1. The doctor discovered a blockage in her bile duct. (ডাক্তার তার পিত্তবহিনীতে একটি ব্লকেজ খুঁজে পেলেন।)
  2. Surgery may be required to repair a damaged bile duct. (একটি ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ পিত্তবহিনী মেরামতের জন্য অপারেশন প্রয়োজন হতে পারে।)
  3. Obstruction of the bile duct can lead to jaundice. (পিত্তবহিনীর অবরোধ জন্ডিসের কারণ হতে পারে।)

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