before and after

Before and After Meaning in Bengali

Before and after, known as “পূর্বে এবং পরে” in Bengali, is a phrase commonly used to indicate the sequence of events or the order in which things occur. It is often used to describe the time or position of something in relation to another event or object.

Part of Speech

Before and after are both prepositions in English.


(Before: /bɪˈfɔːr/, After: /ˈæftər/)

Nearby Words

  • Before (Preposition) – আগে, পূর্বে
  • After (Preposition) – পরে, পরের পরে
  • Prior (Adjective) – পূর্ববর্তী, পূর্বপুরুষ
  • Subsequent (Adjective) – পরবর্তী, পরপূর্ব
  • Following (Adjective) – পরবর্তী, অনুসরণকারী

Synonyms of Before and After

  • Prior to (পূর্বে)
  • Subsequent to (পরের পরে)
  • Preceding (আগের)
  • Following (পরবর্তী)
  • Earlier than (আগের চেয়ে)
  • Later than (পরের চেয়ে)

Origination of ‘Before and After’

The phrase “before and after” originated from Middle English and has been used in the English language since the 14th century.


  • During (সময়কালে)
  • Simultaneously (একই সময়ে)

Usage in English Sentences

  • She arrived before me. (তিনি আমার আগে এসেছিলেন।)
  • He left the party after midnight. (তিনি রাতের পরে পার্টিতে থেকে চলে গেলেন।)
  • Please complete the task before the deadline. (দয়া করে সময়সীমা পূর্বে কাজ সম্পন্ন করুন।)

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