be addicted

Be Addicted Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, “be addicted” can be translated into several meanings: আসক্ত হত্তয়া, নশ্বর হত্তয়া, আসক্ত হওয়া, নশ্বর হওয়া (asakta hattaya, nashwar hattaya, asakta hoye, nashwar hoye).

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /bi əˈdɪktɪd/ (bee uh-dik-tid)

Nearby Words:

1. Addiction (Noun) – আসক্তি (asakti)

2. Addictive (Adjective) – আসক্তিজনক (asaktijonok)

3. Addict (Noun) – আসক্ত (asakta)

Be Addicted Synonyms:

1. Obsessed – আবিষ্ট (abist)

2. Hooked – আবিষ্ট (abist)

3. Dependent – নির্ভরশীল (nirbhorshil)

4. Enslaved – দাসত্ববশত (dasotvobashot)

5. Devoted – অনুরাগী (onuragi)

Origination of “Be Addicted”:

The phrase “be addicted” originated from the Latin word “addictus,” which means “to devote” or “to surrender.” It gained popularity in the English language during the 16th century.


1. Detached – বিচ্ছিন্ন (bichhinn)

2. Uninterested – অস্বস্তিকর (osvostikor)

3. Indifferent – নিরপেক্ষ (nirpeksh)

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