
Bazaars Meaning in Bengali

Bazaars, also known as বাজার (bazar) or হাট (hat) in Bengali, refer to bustling marketplaces where various goods are bought and sold. These vibrant hubs of commerce are an integral part of Bengali culture and are often characterized by their lively atmosphere and diverse range of products.

Part of Speech

Bazaars is a noun.



Nearby Words

  • Market (noun) – বাজার (bazar)
  • Shop (noun) – দোকান (dokan)
  • Vendor (noun) – বিক্রেতা (bikreta)
  • Goods (noun) – পণ্য (ponno)
  • Trade (noun) – বাণিজ্য (banijya)

Bazaars Synonyms

  • Marketplace – বাজার (bazar)
  • Fair – মেলা (mela)
  • Exchange – বিনিময় (binimoy)
  • Mart – মার্ট (mart)
  • Emporium – মহাবিদ্যালয় (mahavidyalay)
  • Market – বাজার (bazar)

Origination of ‘Bazaars

The term ‘bazaars’ originated from the Persian word ‘bāzār,’ which means “marketplace.” It has been adopted by various languages, including Bengali, to describe bustling marketplaces.


  • Online Shopping – অনলাইন কেনাকাটা (onlain kenakata)
  • E-commerce – ই-কমার্স (i-komarsh)
  • Virtual Market – ভার্চুয়াল বাজার (bharchuwal bazar)

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