
Bauxite Meaning in Bengali

Bauxite, known as বক্সাইট in Bengali, is a term used to describe a type of rock that is primarily composed of aluminum hydroxide minerals. It is an important ore of aluminum and is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.

Part of Speech

Bauxite is a noun.


The pronunciation of bauxite is [bawk-sahyt].

Nearby Words

  • Aluminum: Noun, আলুমিনিয়াম (aluminium)
  • Ore: Noun, খনিজ (khanij)
  • Mineral: Noun, খনিজ (khanij)
  • Mine: Noun, Verb, খনি (khoni)
  • Extraction: Noun, উত্তোলন (uttolon)


  • Alumina: অ্যালুমিনা (alumina)
  • Corundum: করন্ডাম (korundam)
  • Gibbsite: গিবসাইট (gibasait)
  • Clay: মাটি (mati)
  • Bauxite rock: বক্সাইট পাথর (bauxite pathor)
  • Bauxite ore: বক্সাইট খনিজ (bauxite khanij)

Origination of Bauxite

The word bauxite originated from the name of the village Les Baux-de-Provence in southern France, where it was first discovered in 1821.


  • Artificial: কৃত্রিম (kritrim)
  • Synthetic: সিন্থেটিক (synthetic)
  • Man-made: মানুষ তৈরিত (manush tairit)
  • Non-natural: অপ্রাকৃত (aprakrit)

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