
## Bats Meaning in Bengali

* বাদুড়
* চামচিকা
* শিমুল

### Part of Speech

* *Noun*

### Pronunciation

* /bæts/

### Nearby Words

* **Bat** (noun): বাদুড়
* **Bat** (verb): ব্যাট করা
* **Batch** (noun): দল
* **Bath** (noun): স্নান
* **Bathroom** (noun): বাথরুম

### Bats Synonyms

* Chiroptera
* Flitter
* Flutterer
* Noctule
* Vesper
* Winged mammal

### Origination of ‘Bats’

The word ‘bats’ is derived from the Middle English word ‘bakke’, which is thought to have originated from the Old Norse word ‘bakki’, meaning ‘bat’.

### Antonyms

* **Birds** (noun): পাখি
* **Day** (noun): দিন