
Nearby Words

1. Bastardize (Verb)

Bengali Meaning: অবৈধ করা, অবৈধ সন্তান হিসাবে গ্রহণ করা

2. Bastardly (Adjective)

Bengali Meaning: অবৈধ, নীতিহীন

3. Bastardy (Noun)

Bengali Meaning: অবৈধতা, অবৈধ সন্তানত্ব

Bastards Synonyms

1. Illegitimate

Bengali Translation: অবৈধ

2. Outcast

Bengali Translation: বিদ্রোহী

3. Misbegotten

Bengali Translation: অবৈধ সন্তান

4. Spurious

Bengali Translation: মিথ্যা

5. Unlawful

Bengali Translation: অবৈধ

Origination of ‘Bastards’

The term ‘bastards’ originated from the Old French word ‘bastart,’ which means “illegitimate child.” It later evolved into the Middle English word ‘bastard,’ retaining the same meaning. The term is used to refer to a person born out of wedlock or someone considered to be of questionable or inferior origin.


1. Legitimate

Bengali Meaning: বৈধিক

2. Lawful

Bengali Meaning: বৈধিক

3. Genuine

Bengali Meaning: সত্যিকার

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