
Bankdraft Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, bankdraft can be translated into several meanings: ব্যাংক ড্রাফট, ব্যাংক চেক, ব্যাংক বিল, ব্যাংক প্রস্তাবনা, ব্যাংক আদেশ (bank draft, bank cheque, bank bill, bank proposal, bank order).

Part of Speech

Bankdraft is a noun.


The pronunciation of bankdraft is [bangk-draft].

Nearby Words

1. Banker (noun) – ব্যাংকার (bankar) – a person who owns or is an executive in a bank.

2. Banking (noun) – ব্যাংকিং (banking) – the business conducted or services offered by a bank.

3. Banknote (noun) – ব্যাংকনোট (banknote) – a promissory note issued by a bank, payable to the bearer on demand.

Bankdraft Synonyms

1. Check – চেক (chek)

2. Bill – বিল (bil)

3. Draft – ড্রাফট (draft)

4. Order – আদেশ (adesh)

5. Payment – পেমেন্ট (payment)

6. Remittance – রিমিটেন্স (remittance)

Origination of ‘Bankdraft’

The term ‘bankdraft’ originated from the combination of the words ‘bank’ and ‘draft.’ It refers to a written order issued by a bank, directing another bank to pay a specified sum of money to a person or organization. Bankdrafts are commonly used for secure and convenient transactions, especially in international trade and remittances.


Unfortunately, there are no specific antonyms for the term ‘bankdraft’ in English or Bengali.

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