
Bananas Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, bananas have several meanings. They are known as “কলা” (kola), “কলা ফল” (kola phol), “কলা বাচ্চা” (kola bachcha), and “কলা কাঁটা” (kola kanta).

Part of Speech

The part of speech for bananas is noun.


The pronunciation of bananas is [buh-nan-uhz].

Nearby Words

  • Noun: আঙ্গুর (angur) – grapes
  • Noun: আপেল (apel) – apple
  • Noun: আম (am) – mango
  • Noun: কমলা (komla) – orange
  • Noun: পেয়ারা (peya-ra) – pear

Bananas Synonyms

  • English: fruit, plantain, banana tree, banana plant, banana fruit
  • Bengali: ফল, কলা গাছ, কলা গাছ, কলা গাছ, কলা ফল

Origination of ‘Bananas

The word “bananas” originated from the Wolof language spoken in West Africa.


  • English: apple, orange, pear, grapes
  • Bengali: আপেল, কমলা, পেয়ারা, আঙ্গুর

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