
Banana Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “banana” can be translated into several meanings: কলা (kola), কলা ফল (kola phol), কলা গাছ (kola gachh), কলা পাতা (kola pata), কলা ফলক (kola pholok).

Part of Speech

The part of speech for “banana” is a noun.


The pronunciation of “banana” in Bengali is [bəˈnɑːnə].

Nearby Words

  • Nearby words for “banana” include:
    • Noun: কলা গাছ (kola gachh) – Banana tree
    • Noun: কলা ফল (kola phol) – Banana fruit
    • Noun: কলা পাতা (kola pata) – Banana leaf
    • Noun: কলা ফলক (kola pholok) – Bunch of bananas

Banana Synonyms

  • English Synonyms:
    • Fruit: ফল (phol)
    • Plantain: কচু (kochu)
    • Yellow fruit: হলুদ ফল (holud phol)
    • Bunch: গুচ্ছ (guchch)
    • Produce: উত্পাদন (utpadon)

Origination of ‘Banana

The word “banana” originated from the Wolof language spoken in West Africa.


  • English Antonyms:
    • Apple: আপেল (apel)
    • Orange: কমলা (komola)
    • Mango: আম (am)
    • Pineapple: আনারস (anaras)
    • Grape: আঙ্গুর (angur)

For more information on “banana” in Bengali, you can visit the following websites:

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