amount paid

Amount Paid Meaning in Bengali

Amount paid refers to the sum of money that has been given or transferred in exchange for goods, services, or debts. It is the total value of the payment made.

Pronunciation of Amount Paid:

(uh-mount peyd)

Nearby Words:

  • Amount: (noun) পরিমাণ, পরিমাপ, পরিমাণ হত্তয়া, পরিমাপ করা
  • Paid: (adjective) প্রদত্ত, প্রদানকৃত, প্রদানকৃত হওয়া
  • Payment: (noun) প্রদান, প্রদানকারী, প্রদানকারী হওয়া, প্রদানকারী হত্তয়া

Amount Paid Synonyms:

  • Cost: (noun) মূল্য, দাম, খরচ
  • Expense: (noun) ব্যয়, খরচ, খরচ করা
  • Remittance: (noun) প্রেরণ, প্রেরণ করা, প্রেরণ করা হওয়া
  • Settlement: (noun) বসতি, বসতিস্থাপন, বসতিস্থাপন করা
  • Transaction: (noun) লেনদেন, লেনদেন করা, লেনদেন করা হওয়া

Description: This article provides the meaning of “amount paid” in Bengali. It explains that “amount paid” refers to the total sum of money given in exchange for goods, services, or debts. The pronunciation of the term is also provided. Additionally, nearby words such as “amount,” “paid,” and “payment” are listed with their Bengali meanings. Furthermore, synonyms of “amount paid” including “cost,” “expense,” “remittance,” “settlement,” and “transaction” are given with their Bengali translations. Antonyms are not available for this term. For further information, you can refer to,, or