
Aloofness: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: অলক্ষ্যতা, দূরত্ব, অলক্ষিততা, অলক্ষ্যভাব, অলক্ষ্যত্ব, অলক্ষ্যপ্রবণতা

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-loof-nis

Aloofness Synonyms:

Detachment, Indifference, Isolation, Reserve, Coldness, Distantness, Unapproachability, Unresponsiveness, Unfriendliness, Uncommunicativeness

Aloofness Antonyms:

Friendliness – বন্ধুত্ব, Approachability – প্রবেশযোগ্যতা, Warmth – তাপমাত্রা, Sociability – সামাজিকতা

Nearby Words:

1. Alienation (Noun) – পরদর্শন, বিমুখতা
2. Detachment (Noun) – বিচ্ছিন্নতা, বিয়োগ
3. Isolation (Noun) – বিচ্ছিন্নতা, বিয়োগ
4. Reserve (Noun) – সংযম, সংযতি

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers:

1. “The aloofness of the politician towards the public has raised concerns among the citizens.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022.
2. “The company’s aloofness from customer feedback led to a decline in sales.” – The Business Chronicle, 20th June 2022.
3. “The aloofness of the celebrity at the event disappointed many fans.” – The Entertainment Gazette, 5th September 2022.
4. “The teacher’s aloofness in the classroom created a barrier between her and the students.” – The Education Post, 10th November 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: অলক্ষ্যতা
Arabic: بُعد
Chinese: 冷漠
Tamil: தூரமானது
Urdu: بے دلی
Telugu: దూరంగా
Russian: отчужденность

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