
Aloft: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

উচ্চস্থে, উপরে, উচ্চতায়, উচ্চস্থেই, উপরেই, উচ্চতায়ে, উচ্চস্থেই, উপরেই, উচ্চতায়ে (comma separated)

Part of Speech:




Aloft Synonyms:

Above, overhead, high up, up in the air, skyward, upward, on high, in the sky, soaring, elevated, lifted, upraised, upended, upright, vertical, towering, ascending, climbing, flying, hovering, suspended, levitated, buoyant, airborne, afloat, up, on top, on the summit, on the crest, on the pinnacle, on the peak, on the mountaintop, on the hilltop (comma separated)

Aloft Antonyms:

Below, beneath, under, underneath, down, downward, low, groundward, earthward, descending, lowering, drooping, sagging, slumping, sinking, falling, plummeting, dropping, descending, subsiding, settling (comma separated)

Nearby Words:

1. Airborne (Adjective)
2. Ascend (Verb)
3. Elevation (Noun)
4. Skyward (Adjective)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The kite soared aloft, dancing with the wind.” – The Daily Sun, 15th March 2022.
2. “The hot air balloon floated aloft, offering breathtaking views of the city.” – The Daily Star, 20th June 2022.
3. “The rocket was launched, propelling the satellite aloft into space.” – The Bangladesh Times, 5th September 2022.
4. “The eagle spread its wings and glided aloft, searching for prey.” – The Independent, 10th November 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: উচ্চস্থে
– Arabic: في الأعلى
– Chinese: 在高处
– Tamil: உயர்ந்த இடத்தில்
– Urdu: اوپر
– Telugu: అప్పుడు
– Russian: вверх

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