
Allurer Meaning in Bengali

Meanings: আকর্ষক, মোহনীয়, প্রলোভনকারী, মোহনকারী, আকর্ষণকারী

Part of Speech:



uh-loo r-er

Allurer Synonyms:

attractor, charmer, enticer, seducer, tempter, enchantress, seductress, allure, magnet, captivator, bewitcher, fascinator, mesmerizer, enchanter, spellbinder

Allurer Antonyms:

repeller (প্রতিকারক), discourager (হতবুদ্ধিকর), repellent (প্রতিকারক), detractor (অনুকর্ষক কমানোর ব্যক্তি)

Nearby Words:

allurements (Noun), alluring (Adjective), alluringly (Adverb), allured (Verb)

Sentences from Newspapers:

1. “The allurer used his charm to convince the jury of his innocence.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The allurer’s captivating performance left the audience spellbound.” – The National Herald, 2nd June 2022

3. “The politician was accused of being an allurer, using his charisma to manipulate voters.” – The Daily Gazette, 10th September 2022

4. “The allurer’s seductive tactics were exposed during the trial.” – The Evening Post, 25th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: আকর্ষক

Arabic: مغري

Chinese: 诱惑者

Tamil: மயக்கமானவர்

Urdu: لبھانے والا

Telugu: ఆకర్షకుడు

Russian: соблазнитель

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