
Alleged Meaning in Bengali

Meaning: Alleged in Bengali can be translated as অভিযুক্ত (Abhiyukta), অভিযুক্তিসম্পন্ন (Abhiyuktisampanna), অভিযুক্তিপূর্ণ (Abhiyuktipurṇa).

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: uh-lejd

Synonyms: supposed, alleged, claimed, so-called, apparent, ostensible, professed, reputed, rumored, declared

Antonyms: proven, confirmed, established, definite, certain

Nearby Words:

  • Allegation (Noun)
  • Allege (Verb)
  • Allegedly (Adverb)
  • Allegedness (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

  • “The alleged theft occurred last night at around 10 PM.” – The Daily News, 15th March 2022
  • “The police arrested the alleged suspect in connection with the murder case.” – The Times, 20th April 2022
  • “The alleged corruption scandal has shaken the government.” – The Guardian, 5th May 2022
  • “The alleged victim has filed a complaint against the accused.” – The Telegraph, 10th June 2022

Meaning in different languages:

  • Bengali: অভিযুক্ত
  • Arabic: مزعوم
  • Chinese: 所谓的
  • Tamil: குற்றம் செய்யப்பட்ட
  • Urdu: مفترضہ
  • Telugu: అభియుక్తమైన
  • Russian: предполагаемый

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