all set

All Set: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: সম্পূর্ণ, প্রস্তুত, প্রস্তুত হওয়া, সম্পূর্ণ হওয়া

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: awl set

All Set Synonyms:

Ready, prepared, organized, equipped, primed, arranged, fixed, set up, good to go, in order, set, all systems go, all arranged, all organized, all prepared, all ready, all up, all together, all complete, all in readiness, all on hand, all up to speed, all up to date, all on track, all on schedule, all on time, all in place, all settled, all sorted, all established, all in position, all in line, all on standby, all on the ball, all on the mark, all on the button, all on the beam, all on the ball, all on the mark, all on the button, all on the beam, all on the go, all on the move, all on the jump, all on the run, all on the trot, all on the alert, all on the lookout, all on the watch, all on the qui vive, all on the ball, all on the job, all on the money, all on the nose, all on the spot, all on the mark, all on the button, all on the beam, all on the go, all on the move, all on the jump, all on the run, all on the trot, all on the alert, all on the lookout, all on the watch, all on the qui vive, all on the ball, all on the job, all on the money, all on the nose, all on the spot

All Set Antonyms:

Unprepared (অপ্রস্তুত), disorganized (অসংগঠিত), unready (অপ্রস্তুত), incomplete (অসম্পূর্ণ), unfinished (অসম্পূর্ণ), undone (অসম্পূর্ণ), not ready (প্রস্তুত না), not prepared (প্রস্তুত না)

Nearby Words:

Arranged (Verb), Organized (Adjective), Prepared (Adjective), Equipped (Adjective)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers:

1. “The team is all set to play the final match tomorrow.” – The Daily News, 10th May 2022

2. “After months of planning, the event is finally all set to take place.” – The Times, 15th June 2022

3. “The preparations for the concert are all set and the performers are ready to take the stage.” – The Guardian, 20th July 2022

4. “The construction of the new building is almost complete, and we are all set to move in next week.” – The Telegraph, 5th August 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: সম্পূর্ণ, Arabic: جاهز, Chinese: 一切准备就绪, Tamil: அனைத்து தயார், Urdu: تیار ہو, Telugu: అన్ని సిద్ధంగా, Russian: все готово

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