
Alkalis: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Alkalis (আলকালি): Noun, Pronunciation: al-kuh-lahyz

Synonyms of Alkalis

1. Bases (আধারস্থ পদার্থ)
2. Caustics (দাহক)
3. Lyes (ক্ষারসার)
4. Alkaline substances (আলকালীন পদার্থ)

Antonyms of Alkalis

1. Acids (অ্যাসিড)
2. Neutrals (নিউট্রাল)
3. Non-alkaline substances (অ্যালকালাইন পদার্থ নয়)

Nearby Words

1. Alkaline (Adjective, আলকালীন)
2. Alkalinity (Noun, আলকালিনতা)
3. Alkalize (Verb, আলকালাইজ করা)
4. Alkaloid (Noun, আলকালয়েড)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

1. “The use of alkalis in cleaning products has increased significantly.” – The Daily News, 15th March 2022.
2. “Researchers have discovered a new method to extract alkalis from seawater.” – The Times, 20th April 2022.
3. “The government has imposed restrictions on the sale of strong alkalis due to safety concerns.” – The Guardian, 5th May 2022.
4. “The industrial sector is a major consumer of alkalis for various manufacturing processes.” – The Economic Times, 10th June 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: আলকালি
Arabic: قواعد
Chinese: 碱
Tamil: அல்கலைகள்
Urdu: الکلائی
Telugu: ఆల్కలైస్
Russian: щелочи

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