
Aliveness: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: জীবনমুখীতা, জীবনশক্তি, জীবনসম্পন্নতা

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-lahyv-nis

Aliveness Synonyms:

1. Vitality

2. Animation

3. Liveliness

4. Vigor

5. Energy

Aliveness Antonyms:

মৃত্যুবাদ (Death), নিষ্ক্রিয়তা (Inactivity), নিষ্প্রাণতা (Lifelessness)

Nearby Words:

1. Alive (Adjective)

2. Allure (Noun)

3. Allocate (Verb)

4. Alleviate (Verb)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The aliveness of the city was evident in the bustling streets and vibrant markets.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The artist’s paintings capture the aliveness of nature with their vivid colors and dynamic brushstrokes.” – The Art Gazette, 28th June 2022

3. “The team’s performance lacked aliveness, resulting in a disappointing loss.” – The Sports Tribune, 5th September 2022

4. “The novel’s descriptive prose brings a sense of aliveness to the characters and their surroundings.” – The Literary Review, 10th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: জীবনমুখীতা

Arabic: حيوية

Chinese: 活力

Tamil: உயிர்முக்கியத்தன்மை

Urdu: زندگی

Telugu: జీవంతత

Russian: Живость

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