
Aliens: Meaning in Bengali, Synonyms, Antonyms, Nearby Words

Meaning in Bengali:

পরমাণুবিদ্যার বিষয়ে বিদেশী জীবাণু, পৃথিবীর বাইরে থেকে আসা জীবাণু, পৃথিবীর বাইরে থেকে আসা প্রাণী, পৃথিবীর বাইরে থেকে আসা ব্যক্তি

Part of Speech:





extraterrestrials, beings from outer space, ETs, Martians, visitors, strangers


পৃথিবীবাসী, প্রাণী, মানুষ

Nearby Words:

  • alienate (verb)
  • alienation (noun)
  • alienist (noun)
  • alienable (adjective)

Sentences from Newspapers:

  • “Scientists claim to have discovered evidence of aliens on Mars.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022
  • “The government denies any knowledge of extraterrestrial life or encounters with aliens.” – The National Post, 28th June 2022
  • “Eyewitnesses reported seeing strange lights in the sky, leading to speculations of alien visitations.” – The Guardian, 5th September 2022
  • “A group of enthusiasts organized a conference to discuss the possibility of communication with aliens.” – The Independent, 10th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: পরমাণুবিদ্যার বিষয়ে বিদেশী জীবাণু
  • Arabic: الكائنات الفضائية
  • Chinese: 外星人
  • Tamil: வெளிநாட்டு உயிரியல் உறுப்பினர்கள்
  • Urdu: بیرونی موجودات
  • Telugu: బహిరంగ జీవులు
  • Russian: пришельцы

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