
Algae: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: শিলাবৃক্ষ (shilabriksho), সমুদ্রজ (shomudrojo), সমুদ্রজীবী (shomudrojibi), সমুদ্রপতি (shomudropoti), সমুদ্রবৃক্ষ (shomudrobriksho)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: al-jee

Algae Synonyms:

Seaweed, Phytoplankton, Microalgae, Macroalgae, Pond scum, Green algae, Red algae, Brown algae, Blue-green algae, Diatoms

Algae Antonyms:

No antonyms found in Bengali

Nearby Words:

Seaweed (Noun), Aquatic (Adjective), Photosynthesis (Noun), Chlorophyll (Noun)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “Scientists discover new species of algae in the Bay of Bengal.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022

2. “Algae bloom threatens marine life in coastal areas.” – The Independent, 28th June 2021

3. “Efforts to harness algae as a renewable energy source are gaining momentum.” – The Financial Express, 5th September 2020

4. “Researchers find potential medical applications of certain types of algae.” – The Times of India, 10th November 2019

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: শিলাবৃক্ষ (shilabriksho), Arabic: طحالب (ṭaḥālib), Chinese: 藻类 (zǎolèi), Tamil: அல்கே (alkē), Urdu: الجی (aljī), Telugu: ఆల్జీ (āljī), Russian: водоросли (vodarosli)

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