
Alerted: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: সতর্ক (sotorko), জাগরূক (jagruk), চেতনমূলক (chetonmoolok)

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: uh-lur-tid

Alerted Synonyms:

Watchful, Vigilant, Attentive, Awake, Aware, Cautious, Observant, Wary, Mindful

Alerted Antonyms:

Unaware – অজ্ঞাত (ojnat), অজ্ঞ (ojna)

Nearby Words:

Alarm (Noun), Awake (Verb), Aware (Adjective), Attention (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The security forces were alerted about the potential threat.” – The Daily News, 10th March 2022

2. “The public was alerted to stay indoors due to the severe weather conditions.” – The Times, 15th April 2022

3. “The government has alerted all hospitals to be prepared for a possible outbreak.” – The Guardian, 20th May 2022

4. “The police were alerted by a concerned citizen who witnessed the suspicious activity.” – The Telegraph, 5th June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: সতর্ক (sotorko), Arabic: مُنْبَه (munbah), Chinese: 警惕 (jǐngtì), Tamil: எச்சரிக்கை (Eccarikkai), Urdu: ہوشیار (Hoshiyar), Telugu: హెచ్చరిక (Heccarika), Russian: предупрежденный (preduprezhdennyy)

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