
Alarmed: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

ভীত (bhīta), আতঙ্কিত (ātaṅkita), উদ্বিগ্ন (udbigna), চিন্তিত (cintita), আলোচনামূলক (ālōcanāmūlaka)

Part of Speech:




Alarmed Synonyms:

Apprehensive, Worried, Nervous, Anxious, Distressed, Panicked, Startled, Frightened, Terrified, Perturbed

Alarmed Antonyms:

আশ্চর্যজনক (āścaryajana), নিরপেক্ষ (nirapekṣa), নিরাশ (nirāśa), আত্মবিশ্বাসযুক্ত (ātmabiśvāsayukta)

Nearby Words:

1. Alert (Noun)

Example: The security guard was on high alert throughout the night.

2. Panic (Verb)

Example: The news of the earthquake caused the residents to panic.

3. Startle (Verb)

Example: The loud noise startled the sleeping baby.

4. Distress (Noun)

Example: The distress caused by the accident was evident on her face.

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. The Times of India (June 15, 2022)

“The sudden increase in COVID-19 cases has alarmed the authorities.”

2. The Guardian (July 3, 2022)

“The alarming rise in pollution levels has raised concerns among environmentalists.”

3. The New York Times (August 10, 2022)

“The alarming rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is threatening biodiversity.”

4. The Telegraph (September 1, 2022)

“The alarming number of cyberattacks on businesses highlights the need for stronger cybersecurity measures.”

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: ভীত (bhīta), আতঙ্কিত (ātaṅkita), উদ্বিগ্ন (udbigna), চিন্তিত (cintita), আলোচনামূলক (ālōcanāmūlaka)
– Arabic: مذعور (mudhʿūr), مرتبك (murtabik), قلق (qalq), مضطرب (muḍtarib)
– Chinese: 惊慌 (jīnghuāng), 忧虑 (yōulǜ), 担心 (dānxīn), 惊恐 (jīngkǒng)
– Tamil: அதிர்ச்சியடைந்த (aticciyaṭainta), அச்சமுடைந்த (accamuṭainta), ஆர்வமுடைந்த (ārvamuṭainta), அவதிப்பட்ட (avatippaṭṭa)
– Urdu: خوفزدہ (khōfzadah), پریشان (parēshān), پریشان (parēshān), خوفزدہ (khōfzadah)
– Telugu: భయపడిన (bhayapaḍina), ఆందోళనపరచిన (āndōḷanaparacina), ఆందోళనపరచిన (āndōḷanaparacina), భయపడిన (bhayapaḍina)
– Russian: встревоженный (vstrevazhennyy), обеспокоенный (obespokoyennyy), тревожный (trevzhnyy), испуганный (ispugannyy)

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