
Airless: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: বায়ুহীন, বায়ুশূন্য, বায়ুবিহীন

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: air-lis

Airless Synonyms:

Stuffy, suffocating, oppressive, breathless, muggy, stifling

Airless Antonyms:

Well-ventilated (সুস্বাস্থ্যকর), breezy (বায়ুপূর্ণ), airy (বায়ুযুক্ত), ventilated (বায়ুপূর্ণ)

Nearby Words:

Stale (Adjective), Suffocate (Verb), Claustrophobic (Adjective), Stuffy (Adjective)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The airless room made it difficult to breathe.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022

2. “The airless conditions in the factory led to several workers falling ill.” – The Bangladesh Times, 20th April 2022

3. “The airless subway car was uncomfortable during the peak hours.” – The Dhaka Tribune, 5th May 2022

4. “The airless hotel room was not suitable for a good night’s sleep.” – The Independent, 10th June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: বায়ুহীন, Arabic: بلا هواء, Chinese: 无气, Tamil: காற்றின்படியற்ற, Urdu: بے ہوا, Telugu: వాయురహిత, Russian: безвоздушный

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