
Airfield: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: বিমানবন্দর, বিমানপথ, বিমানপথস্থল

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: air-feeld

Airfield Synonyms:

1. Aerodrome

2. Airport

3. Landing strip

4. Runway

5. Airstrip

Airfield Antonyms:

বিমানবন্দর বিপরীত অর্থে বিমানবন্দর না থাকলে বিমানবন্দর বিপরীত অর্থে বিমানবন্দর না থাকা।

Nearby Words:

1. Airplane (Noun)

2. Airship (Noun)

3. Airtight (Adjective)

4. Airway (Noun)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers:

1. “The government has announced plans to build a new airfield in the outskirts of the city.” – The Daily News, 15th March 2022

2. “The airfield was temporarily closed due to heavy fog, causing flight delays.” – The Times, 25th June 2021

3. “The airfield expansion project has faced opposition from local residents concerned about increased noise pollution.” – The Guardian, 5th September 2020

4. “The airfield serves as a vital hub for transporting essential supplies to remote areas.” – The Telegraph, 10th November 2019

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: বিমানবন্দর

Arabic: مطار

Chinese: 机场

Tamil: விமான நிலையம்

Urdu: ہوائی اڈا

Telugu: విమానాశ్రయం

Russian: аэродром

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