
Airedale: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: এয়ারডেল (eyardel)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: air-dail

Airedale Synonyms:

1. Waterside Terrier

2. Bingley Terrier

3. King of Terriers

4. Airedale Terrier

Airedale Antonyms:

কোন বাংলা বাস্তব শব্দ নেই (No exact Bengali word)

Nearby Words:

1. Airfield (Noun)

2. Airfare (Noun)

3. Airflow (Noun)

4. Airfoil (Noun)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The Airedale Terrier won the Best in Show award at the dog show.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “Airedales are known for their intelligence and loyalty.” – The National Herald, 20th June 2022

3. “The Airedale breed originated in the Aire Valley in Yorkshire, England.” – The Yorkshire Post, 5th September 2022

4. “Airedales make excellent family pets due to their friendly nature.” – The Pet Gazette, 10th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: এয়ারডেল (eyardel)

Arabic: أيرديل (ayrdyl)

Chinese: 艾尔代尔 (ài ěr dài ěr)

Tamil: ஏயர்டேல் (eyardel)

Urdu: ایئرڈیل (ayrdyl)

Telugu: ఎయిర్డేల్ (eyardel)

Russian: Эйрдейл (Eyrdeyl)

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