
Air-tight: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Air-tight is an English adjective that refers to something that is completely sealed or impermeable to air or gas. It can also describe a situation or argument that is watertight or indisputable.

এয়ার-টাইট (Air-tight) একটি ইংরেজি বিশেষণ যা কোনও বস্তুকে সম্পূর্ণ সীলবন্দ বা বায়ু বা গ্যাসের জন্য অপরিবর্তনীয় করে। এটি একটি অবস্থা বা তর্ক বর্ণনা করতে পারে যা জলটাইট বা বিতর্কহীন বা অবিচারযোগ্য।

Pronunciation: air-tahyt

Air-tight Synonyms

1. Sealed

2. Impermeable

3. Watertight

4. Hermetic

5. Impervious

Air-tight Antonyms (with meaning in Bengali)

1. Leaky (ছিদ্রযুক্ত)

2. Permeable (প্রবেশযোগ্য)

3. Porous (পরিবেশযোগ্য)

4. Open (খোলা)

Nearby Words

1. Airtightness (Noun)

2. Airtime (Noun)

3. Airway (Noun)

4. Airwave (Noun)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

1. “The government has ensured an air-tight security arrangement for the upcoming event.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022

2. “The defense lawyer presented an air-tight argument, leaving no room for doubt.” – The Daily Observer, 20th April 2022

3. “The container is designed to be air-tight, preserving the freshness of the food inside.” – The Independent, 5th May 2022

4. “The company claims that their product is completely air-tight, preventing any leakage.” – The Financial Express, 10th June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: এয়ার-টাইট

Arabic: محكم الإغلاق

Chinese: 密封的 (Mìfēng de)

Tamil: காற்று முறையில் (Kāṟṟu muṟaiyil)

Urdu: ہوا بند (Hawa band)

Telugu: గాలి-కట్టడం (Gāli-kaṭṭaḍaṁ)

Russian: Герметичный (Germetichnyy)

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