air line


Meaning in Bengali:

বিমানপথ (bimānapatha), বিমানসংস্থা (bimānasangsthā)

Part of Speech:




Airline Synonyms:

– Aviation company
– Air carrier
– Air service
– Air transportation

Airline Antonyms:

জমিদারি (jamidāri) – Land ownership

Nearby Words:

– Airport (Noun)
– Aircraft (Noun)
– Airway (Noun)
– Airstrip (Noun)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

– “The new airline is set to launch its first flight next month.” – The Daily Star, 15th July 2022.
– “The airline industry has been severely affected by the pandemic.” – The Financial Express, 20th March 2021.
– “Passengers were stranded at the airport due to the airline’s sudden cancellation of flights.” – The Independent, 5th November 2020.
– “The government is planning to introduce new regulations to improve airline safety.” – The Daily Sun, 10th September 2019.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: বিমানপথ (bimānapatha)
– Arabic: شركة طيران (sharikat tayaran)
– Chinese: 航空公司 (hángkōng gōngsī)
– Tamil: விமானப் பகுதி (vimāṉap pakuti)
– Urdu: ہوائی ادارہ (hawai idara)
– Telugu: ఏర్లైన్ (ērlain)
– Russian: авиакомпания (aviakompaniya)

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