
Air-Gap Meaning in Bengali


1. বায়ু-গ্যাপ (noun), Pronunciation: bāẏu-gyāp

2. বায়ুগ্রাহী গ্যাপ (noun), Pronunciation: bāẏugrāhī gyāp

3. বায়ুগ্রাহী অন্তর্গতি (noun), Pronunciation: bāẏugrāhī antargati

4. বায়ুগ্রাহী অন্তর্বর্তী (noun), Pronunciation: bāẏugrāhī antarbarti


1. Gap, Pronunciation: gap

2. Isolation, Pronunciation: isolation

3. Separation, Pronunciation: separation

4. Disconnect, Pronunciation: disconnect


বায়ুগ্রাহী নয় (not air-gapped)

Nearby Words:

1. Firewall (noun), Pronunciation: faiərwɔːl

2. Encryption (noun), Pronunciation: ɪŋˈkrɪpʃ(ə)n

3. Cybersecurity (noun), Pronunciation: sʌɪbərˈsɪkjʊərɪti

4. Malware (noun), Pronunciation: mælˌwɛː

Sentences from Newspapers:

1. “The government is taking measures to ensure air-gap security in critical infrastructure.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022

2. “Experts warn that without proper air-gap protection, sensitive data can be easily compromised.” – The Financial Express, 28th June 2021

3. “The company implemented an air-gap solution to safeguard its confidential information.” – The Independent, 5th September 2020

4. “Air-gap technology is commonly used in military networks to prevent unauthorized access.” – The Daily Sun, 10th November 2019

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: বায়ু-গ্যাপ

Arabic: فجوة هوائية

Chinese: 空气隔离

Tamil: காற்று-இடைவெளி

Urdu: ہوا کا فاصلہ

Telugu: గాపు-గాపు

Russian: воздушный зазор

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