
Agility: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

দ্রুততা, চতুরতা, প্রবলতা, ক্ষমতা, চলনশীলতা

Part of Speech:




Agility Synonyms:

1. Nimbleness
2. Quickness
3. Dexterity
4. Flexibility
5. Spryness

Agility Antonyms:

অদ্রুততা (Adrutota) – Slowness
অচলতা (Acholota) – Inertia
অপ্রবলতা (Aprabolota) – Weakness
অচলতা (Acholota) – Stiffness

Nearby Words:

1. Speed (Noun)
2. Swiftness (Noun)
3. Quick (Adjective)
4. Rapid (Adjective)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The agility of the gymnast amazed the audience.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “The company’s success is attributed to its agility in adapting to market changes.” – The Financial Express, 20th June 2021.
3. “The cat’s agility allowed it to effortlessly climb the tree.” – The Independent, 5th September 2020.
4. “The athlete’s agility on the field impressed the coach.” – The Times of India, 10th January 2019.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: দ্রুততা
– Arabic: ثقة
– Chinese: 敏捷
– Tamil: விரைவு
– Urdu: تیزی
– Telugu: వేగం
– Russian: ловкость

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