aggrieved party

Aggrieved Party: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: আপত্তিগ্রস্ত পক্ষ

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-greevd par-tee

Synonyms of Aggrieved Party:

1. Injured party (আঘাতিত পক্ষ)

2. Victim (শিকার)

3. Complainant (অভিযুক্ত)

4. Plaintiff (অভিযুক্ত)

Antonyms of Aggrieved Party:

1. Accused party (অভিযুক্ত পক্ষ)

2. Defendant (প্রতিবাদী)

3. Offender (অপরাধী)

4. Perpetrator (অপরাধী)

Nearby Words:

1. Aggrieved (Adjective)

2. Aggrieve (Verb)

3. Aggression (Noun)

4. Aggressor (Noun)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers:

1. “The aggrieved party demanded justice for the loss they suffered.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The lawyer argued on behalf of the aggrieved party in the court.” – The Tribune, 20th June 2022

3. “The aggrieved party filed a complaint against the company for breach of contract.” – The Guardian, 5th September 2022

4. “The government assured support to the aggrieved party affected by the natural disaster.” – The Independent, 10th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: আপত্তিগ্রস্ত পক্ষ

Arabic: الطرف المجروح

Chinese: 受害方 (Shòuhài fāng)

Tamil: துக்கிப்பட்ட பக்கம் (Tukkippaṭṭa pakkam)

Urdu: متاثرہ طرف (Mutasirah taraf)

Telugu: ఆపదిత పక్షం (Āpadita pakṣaṁ)

Russian: обиженная сторона (obizhennaya storona)

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