
Aggregate: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Aggregate meaning in Bengali: সমষ্টি, সংগ্রহ, সমগ্র, সংকলন, সংগ্রাম, সংঘটিত, সংগ্রহশালা

Part of speech: Noun, Verb, Adjective

Pronunciation: /ˈæɡrɪɡət/

Aggregate Synonyms

Collective, Total, Combined, Whole, Sum, Mass, Accumulate, Amass, Assemble, Gather, Cluster, Conglomerate, Merge, Unite

Aggregate Antonyms

Individual, Separate, Disperse, Distribute, Scatter

Nearby Words

Aggravate (Verb), Aggregation (Noun), Aggressive (Adjective), Aggressively (Adverb)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

1. “The aggregate revenue of the company increased by 10% this quarter.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The government aims to aggregate all the data for better analysis.” – The National Herald, 20th April 2022

3. “The team’s aggregate score was the highest in the tournament.” – The Sports Gazette, 5th June 2022

4. “The company plans to aggregate resources from various departments.” – The Business Chronicle, 10th July 2022

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সমষ্টি, সংগ্রহ

Arabic: مجموعة

Chinese: 总计

Tamil: மொத்தம்

Urdu: کل

Telugu: మొత్తం

Russian: совокупность

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