

Meaning in Bengali:

বাড়ানো, কঠিন করা, ক্ষতিকর, বিপজ্জনক, বিদ্রূপ, বিকট, ক্ষতিকর, বিপজ্জনক, বিদ্রূপ, বিকট, ক্ষতিকর, বিপজ্জনক, বিদ্রূপ, বিকট

Part of Speech:





irritating, annoying, vexing, exasperating, provoking, maddening, bothersome, troublesome, distressing, infuriating


শান্তিপূর্ণ, প্রশান্ত, শান্তিপ্রবণ, শান্তিপ্রিয়, শান্তিপ্রিয়, শান্তিপ্রবণ

Nearby Words:

  • Aggravate (Verb)
  • Aggravated (Adjective)
  • Aggravation (Noun)
  • Aggravator (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

  • “The constant noise from the construction site is aggravating the residents.” – The Daily News, 15th March 2022
  • “The delay in the delivery of the package was aggravating for the customer.” – The Times, 20th April 2022
  • “The lack of proper facilities in the school is aggravating the students’ learning experience.” – The Guardian, 5th May 2022
  • “The ongoing conflict between the two countries is aggravating the tension in the region.” – The Washington Post, 10th June 2022

Meaning in different languages:

  • Bengali: বাড়ানো
  • Arabic: تفاقم
  • Chinese: 加重
  • Tamil: மிகுதியாக்குதல்
  • Urdu: بڑھانا
  • Telugu: భారంగా చేయు
  • Russian: обострение

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