
Affirmed: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Affirmed is a verb that means to state or assert something as true or valid. It can also refer to the act of supporting or upholding a decision or judgment. The pronunciation of affirmed is /əˈfɜrmd/.

Affirmed Synonyms

1. Asserted (দাবি করা)
2. Declared (ঘোষণা করা)
3. Proclaimed (ঘোষণা করা)
4. Confirmed (নিশ্চিত করা)
5. Upheld (সমর্থন করা)

Affirmed Antonyms

1. Denied (অস্বীকার করা)
2. Contradicted (বিপথে চলানো)
3. Disputed (বিতর্কিত করা)
4. Rejected (প্রত্যাখ্যাত করা)

Nearby Words

1. Confirm (verb) – নিশ্চিত করা
2. Affirmation (noun) – দৃঢ়ভাবে বলা
3. Affirmative (adjective) – সমর্থনপূর্ণ
4. Affirmatively (adverb) – সমর্থনপূর্ণভাবে

Sentences Used in Newspapers

1. “The court affirmed the decision of the lower court.” – The Daily News, 10th March 2022.
2. “The committee affirmed their commitment to the cause.” – The Times, 15th April 2022.
3. “The judge affirmed the defendant’s guilt.” – The Guardian, 20th May 2022.
4. “The board affirmed the company’s financial stability.” – The Financial Times, 1st June 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: নিশ্চিত (Nishchit)
Arabic: أكد (Akada)
Chinese: 确认 (Quèrèn)
Tamil: உறுதிப்படுத்தப்பட்டது (Uruvippaṭṭappaṭṭatu)
Urdu: تصدیق کیا (Tasdīq kiyā)
Telugu: ధృడపడించారు (Dhṛḍapaḍin̄cāru)
Russian: подтвердил (podtverdil)

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