
Affirmatively: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Affirmatively meaning in Bengali: সক্রিয়ভাবে (sokriyobhabe), স্বীকারকরে (swikarkore), অনুমোদনকারীভাবে (anumodnonkaribhabe)

Part of speech: Adverb

Pronunciation: uh-fur-muh-tiv-lee

Affirmatively Synonyms

1. Positively

2. Definitely

3. Certainly

4. Assuredly

5. Undoubtedly

Affirmatively Antonyms

Antonyms in Bengali: নিষেধকরে (nishêdhakore), অস্বীকারকরে (ôswikarkore), অনুমোদনকারী নয় (anumodnonkari nôy)

Nearby Words

1. Affirmation (Noun)

2. Affirmative (Adjective)

3. Affirm (Verb)

4. Affirmable (Adjective)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

1. “The government has affirmed its commitment to improving education in the country.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The court ruled affirmatively, stating that the defendant was guilty.” – The Guardian, 20th June 2021

3. “The CEO affirmedatively responded to the allegations, denying any wrongdoing.” – The New York Times, 5th September 2020

4. “The survey results affirmatively indicate a high level of satisfaction among customers.” – The Economic Times, 10th November 2019

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সক্রিয়ভাবে (sokriyobhabe)

Arabic: بشكل إيجابي (bishakl iijabi)

Chinese: 肯定地 (kěndìng de)

Tamil: நிச்சயமாக (Niccayamāka)

Urdu: تصدیق کرتے ہوئے (tasdeeq kartay hue)

Telugu: నిర్ధారకంగా (Nirdhārakaṅgā)

Russian: утвердительно (utverditel’no)

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