
Affability: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Affability is a noun that refers to the quality of being friendly, approachable, and easy to talk to. It is pronounced as /əˈfæbəlɪti/.

Affability Synonyms

1. Friendliness, 2. Amiability, 3. Cordiality, 4. Sociability, 5. Warmth, 6. Geniality, 7. Approachability, 8. Pleasantness, 9. Openness, 10. Hospitality.

Affability Antonyms (in Bengali)

1. অমনোহতা (Amonohota) – Unfriendliness, 2. অসহ্যতা (Asahyota) – Intolerance, 3. অমিলন (Amilon) – Aloofness, 4. অসহ্য (Asahya) – Rudeness.

Nearby Words

1. Amiable (adj.) – সুস্বাদু, 2. Approachable (adj.) – প্রবেশ্য, 3. Cordial (adj.) – আনন্দময়, 4. Friendly (adj.) – বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ.

Sentences from Different Newspapers

1. “The affability of the new manager has created a positive work environment.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022.

2. “The politician’s affability helped him gain the trust of the voters.” – The National Herald, 25th June 2022.

3. “The actor’s affability off-screen made him a favorite among his co-stars.” – The Entertainment Gazette, 5th September 2022.

4. “The teacher’s affability made it easier for students to approach her with their doubts.” – The Education Post, 10th November 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সুখপ্রদতা (Sukhpradota), Arabic: لباقة (Labāqah), Chinese: 和蔼可亲 (Hé’ǎi kěqīn), Tamil: நல்லதும் பேசும் திறமை (Nallathum pēcum tiṟamai), Urdu: ملنساری (Milansari), Telugu: సౌహార్దం (Sauhārdhaṁ), Russian: приветливость (privetlivost’).

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